Welcome to Hallopay!

At Hallopay, we understand the importance of effective communication. We are committed to creating an environment that promotes open dialogue. Our pay bill can be used to purchase credit across all networks. It is fast, reliable and one is guaranteed of experiencing excellent customer service should there be any derailments.

Hallopay Systems Enterprise Limited.
P.O Box 7294-00100

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our frequently asked questions. Feel free to contact us for additional queries that are not covered here or for clarification of any query

1. How do I become a Hallopay agent?

Submit your shop/outlet details for activation and an opportunity to earn more by exploring the different services available on our POS devices. These services include: sale of airtime and payment of Nairobi water.

2. Can I get a reversal of airtime bought to the wrong number?

Different networks offer different ways for solving airtime bought to wrong numbers:

  • Invalid Phone Number: These include inactive phone numbers or numbers that are less or more digits than a valid phone number. An automatic reversal will be done within 20 minutes back to the transacting number.

  • Safaricom: Safaricom do not offer reversals for airtime bought via third party. Best course of action would be to contact the wrong number for a transfer to your correct Safaricom number.

  • Airtel: Contact Airtel customer service by dialling 100 on your airtel line, request them to do a transfer of airtime from the wrong number.

  • Telkom: Forward the message to our office line 0797891800, and we will assist in getting a reversal back to you. It is important to note that this is only possible if the airtime has not been used by the wrong recipient.

  • 3. What happens if I purchase excess airtime?

  • Safaricom: Reach out to us on 0797891800 for help.

  • Airtel: Contact Airtel customer service by dialling 100 on your Airtel line, request them to do a reversal of the excess airtime.

  • Telkom: Contact Telkom customer service by dialling 100 on your Telkom line and request for reversal.